Recrutement Entreprise VIRBAC


Petcare Innovation Manager (M/F) Carros

À propos de l’entreprise


Rejoindre Virbac, c’est intégrer l’un des leaders mondiaux de la santé animale. Notre dimension internationale, couplée à un environnement de travail favorisant le développement, la prise d'initiatives et l’énergie créative, boosteront votre parcours professionnel.

Descriptif du poste

La santé animale est au cœur de la santé de la planète. Travailler chez Virbac signifie participer à une aventure humaine unique où l’engagement de chacun contribue à la faire progresser. Encourager la mobilité interne entre nos métiers et nos filiales, proposer des plans de développement individuels et construire un partenariat managers-collaborateurs basé sur la confiance sont autant de perspectives de motivation pour nos équipes. Nous leur offrons également un cadre de travail propice à l’exploration de nouveaux territoires et à l’équilibre entre vie professionnelle et personnelle. Enfin, permettre à nos collaborateurs de se mobiliser pour la santé animale, c’est aussi être à leur écoute, les aider à acquérir de nouveaux savoir-faire pour les préparer à nos enjeux de demain et favoriser une approche toujours plus responsable de notre activité.

Reporting to the director of petcare strategy and development, the petcare innovation manager seeks to strengthen and develop the new global product portfolio of feed supplements, dental products, hygiene products and pheromones, with products that bring significant added value for Virbac and its customers. To that aim, he (she) makes new project proposals to enrich the global R&D pipeline, such as new innovative solutions to satisfy unmet or poorly met needs, or life cycle management projects to support existing products. He (she) organizes and monitors the right balance of projects in the pipeline to fit with the petcare strategy, so as to ensure a regular flow of new products supporting business growth in the different territories of the world.

You will work in close collaboration with the dedicated teams of the petfood/petcare Market Unit (R&D, development coordination, marketing, regulatory, quality assurance), other supporting departments (business development & licensing, intellectual property, legal...), as well as Virbac affiliates, clients, suppliers and scientific partners involved in the innovation process.

As the innovation manager, your main missions will be to :

  • Organize and manage the new product ideation process of the pectare segment
  • Conduct and animate the exploratory phase and all initiatives allowing the emergence, collect and analysis of ideas, as well as their translation in projects with strong added value
  • Analyze technological and market opportunities across the different categories of petcare products, and make new development proposals
  • Seek and implement innovation synergies with the petfood team
  • Contribute to, and monitor carefully, the evaluation of the business value of projects and what makes the value all along product development, planning also the evidence to be generated to support key arguments and benefits.
  • Manage the innovation portfolio with an attention to the overall balance, while defining markets, positionings and territories, as well as monitoring pipeline ins and outs.
  • Make sure the projects are well presented and understood within the company, as well as in the support of commercial launches
  • Contribute to the evaluation of third party products proposed for distribution, in coherence with the petcare pipeline and strategy

Profil recherché

  • Master degree level or similar, you have 8-10 years of experience in the management of innovation, ideally in the field of dietary supplements or petfood.
  • Your mastery of the innovation process and the management of change, your creativity and ability to listen, as well as strong ability to communicate effectively  with people from various horizons, are key ingredients to succeed in this position.
  • Leveraging strong interpersonal skills, and a taste for teamwork, you like bringing forward new proposals, with an excellent ability to pitch effectively.
  • Your leadership, capacity to analyze, synthesize and reflect, as well as open mindedness, will be key assets to bring to this position.
  • An excellent command of English, oral and written, is a must have, some knowledge of French is nice to have.
  • You are familiar with the project management process, knowledge of the different steps of a healthcare product development and aptitude to identify its critical steps would be an advantage.


Virbac offre de nombreuses opportunités de carrière, grâce à la diversité de ses métiers et à leur dimension internationale.

Rejoindre Virbac, c'est intégrer des équipes dynamiques et ambitieuses.

Joignez votre talent au nôtre !



Petcare Innovation Manager (M/F)



BAC + 5 / Master

27 février 2023 (Début)

6-10 ans d’expérience